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Business trumps politics in China

One sign that China's anti-Japan demonstrations are mere political posturing: Japanese-Chinese joint ventures are humming along, with no signs of strife. Reuters reports:

Despite calls from protesters for a boycott of Japanese goods, Guangzhou Honda, a 50/50 venture between Honda Motor Co. and Guangzhou Motors Group Co., shows no sign of backing away from its leap into the China market.

..."Our production is stable, everything is as usual here, including production and sales," said a Honda public relations official surnamed Yang.

He said Honda's Accord was still the country's most popular sedan, selling at a premium, with a long waiting list for buyers.

The workers at Guangzhou Honda, one of a string of car plants lining the route in an industrial suburb, say their bosses have not mentioned the anti-Japan movement.
China's leadership may occasionally find it useful to demonize Japan, but at the end of the day, business is business.




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